The W.F. Kaynor Technical High School Athletic Department would like to extend an invitation to all students to participate in the many interscholastic athletic programs offered. We believe the athletic program is an important and integral part of the total school program. Athletics serve as a base for the development of a positive self-image for all participants and encourages individual and group excellence, dedication and commitment in working toward team goals. Being part of a team contributes to the participants’ growth in physical fitness and skill, fosters mental alertness, emotional maturity and social interaction.
Athletes are selected for varsity, junior varsity, and possible freshman teams based on their demonstrated abilities, athlete numbers and coaching positions. The numerous programs are designed to accommodate as many students as possible. Unfortunately, deleting or “cutting” athletes from certain programs may become necessary due to various constraints.
Students who choose to participate in athletics are making a choice that requires self-discipline and they must set priorities and make wise choices. Student athletes are expected to behave in ways that will bring honor to their school, coaches, teammates, family and community.
Student athletes are role models and should constantly remember to exhibit a positive image.